Read Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought By Drew Neil

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Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought-Drew Neil

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Ebook About
Vim is a fast and efficient text editor that will make you a faster and more efficient developer. It's available on almost every OS, and if you master the techniques in this book, you'll never need another text editor. In more than 120 Vim tips, you'll quickly learn the editor's core functionality and tackle your trickiest editing and writing tasks. This beloved bestseller has been revised and updated to Vim 7.4 and includes three brand-new tips and five fully revised tips.A highly configurable, cross-platform text editor, Vim is a serious tool for programmers, web developers, and sysadmins who want to raise their game. No other text editor comes close to Vim for speed and efficiency; it runs on almost every system imaginable and supports most coding and markup languages.Learn how to edit text the "Vim way": complete a series of repetitive changes with The Dot Formula using one keystroke to strike the target, followed by one keystroke to execute the change. Automate complex tasks by recording your keystrokes as a macro. Discover the "very magic" switch that makes Vim's regular expression syntax more like Perl's. Build complex patterns by iterating on your search history. Search inside multiple files, then run Vim's substitute command on the result set for a project-wide search and replace. All without installing a single plugin! Three new tips explain how to run multiple ex commands as a batch, autocomplete sequences of words, and operate on a complete search match.Practical Vim, Second Edition will show you new ways to work with Vim 7.4 more efficiently, whether you're a beginner or an intermediate Vim user. All this, without having to touch the mouse.What You Need:Vim version 7.4

Book Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought Review :

To be clear, the author stipulates that this book is "a recipe book". So the notion of novice to advanced concepts is a bit out the door, with the exception that individual chapters are designed to go from novice to advanced topics.That being said ... I would classify myself in the novice+ range with Vim. I got this book because I felt I had a firm enough grasp of concepts and could build from there.The unfortunate thing, from someone in my "skill" bracket, is that it is probably more helpful to have some of the core concepts presented earlier. For example some topics in Part III (Getting Around Faster) would be better served being introduced sooner versus later. His suggestion for the novice is to do a first pass (reading only early parts of the chapters) and then revisiting the book later. While the author is no doubt well intentioned, I'm not sure everyone has the time to do multiple passes on the book. He puts the onus on the reader to do all the leg work to find what content works for them.The problem with a recipe approach as well as the "learning curve" of Vim itself is that it is more helpful to learn the actions one will execute more frequently to reinforce the muscle memory. Learning more advanced items becomes easier once the initial struggles of moving around and handling the text editing basics are reasonably understood.What I typically found when reading the book was I was being presented with content that I would simply forget solely because it isn't on my radar as far as thing I do repeatedly. Interesting tips? By all means. Useful at a novice level? Questionable.There are also some cases where the instructions seem off, like the macros/incremental.txt example. I followed the steps but found I didn't get the extra space. I had to add it when recording the macro. This could be "user error", but I did redo this a few times to see where I went wrong, but always ended with the same results. There are other times when there is actually a context change, but it wasn't clear that happened. So the next sequence presented were no longer valid.In general, I think the book was written well and provided some good examples. However if you're a novice or novice+ type individual, you may want to stay clear and get the book once you've crept into the intermediate range.I can't help but think the book would be better served if it was split into a first part which covered basics (advanced people could skip and less advanced could work through that). Then have the more interesting/advanced tips later on. It would allow less skilled folks to get up to speed and not have to sort through what is useful and what is not.
I love this book and I love Vim. For me Vim is the "Editor (pearl) of Great Price". Matthew 13:46 except Vim is free and the small price of this book is money well spent.This is my second book on Vim, though it is my favorite because of how it does the Tips.I'm working through the book as a mini habit by reading through just one tip a day, and I look forward to each day and getting to spend a little time in this book strengthening my Vim muscles. Today, I learned Tip 52.I wish I would have discovered this book and the Vim editor years ago. "Edit Text at the Speed of Thought!" I never thought using an editor could be so much fun!

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